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  • .growth.

    beyond yourself.
    together as a team.
    for bigger goals.

  • .change.

    with courage for clarity.
    clear into the future.

  • .space.

    for unborn ideas.
    bold visions.
    a new 'us'.

There is S P A C E
in the growzone

For ambitious thoughts, fresh perspectives and brave goals. We create space and initaite movement: in teams, processes, and in the development of individual personalities.

We don't hide behind empty phrases and technical jargon. We get straight to the point and connect what belongs together: people with people, and people with goals.

Kugel rollt auf einer Ebene mit unterschiedlichen hohen Säulen

Growing together

& growing as one

The ball dropped. While one pillar grows, another might stagnate. In the growzone, we work on all pillars to promote sustainable growth.

We accompany you growing together, enabling growing as one: for leadership and management, for people and goals.

Goldfisch springt aus einem Glas mit Wasser


try something different

Nothing is set in stone, but merely an option. That's why we question things that cannot be done.

We prefer to look at things differently, understanding bottlenecks and stagnations from new persepctives. Not to point fingers but to grow with learnings for the future.

How do we pursue this? With a team of experts who bring people, numbers, and visions together into a growzone.

From growzone

to No-Zone

Phrases you will never hear from us are banned to the No-Zone. For example, "We do it this way because we've always done it this way." This phrase is strictly off-limits for us. Get to know the growzone team through their beliefs and anti-beliefs.

A selection of our cooperation partners